This week on our blog

This week I asked Jim Brewer - the best expert I know on EOS - to write the blog. It is a great read and packed with so much information that there are two parts. You will have to wait for Part Two coming out soon. Jim thoughtfully lays out the ROI for implementing an EOS and if the fit is right for you...READ MORE
This week on our podcast
We get to chat with Jim Brewer, principal at Brewer Leadership on a favorite topic of mine - EOS. EOS is an Entrepreneurial Operating System developed by Gino Wickman and outlined in his book Traction. Even though my current business is just below the threshold to implement a full-blown EOS, there are concepts in this book that we use at Mastery Partners and I would highly recommend that every business owner read Traction. I wish it had been around 20 years ago. It brings value to my business and I know it will bring value to yours. Jim Brewer is always a wealth of information and always an interesting conversation. No time to listen or watch the video? No problem, get the transcript right now!
This week on my screen and on my mind
Mojo Media Labs overview of StoryBrand LINK
I am in love with this! Listened to the book twice, reading through the hard copy now, and just started implementing it with my team.
Due Diligence - A Survival Guide LINK
If you have never been through due diligence, think of the worst assignment you ever hated and then multiply that times 100. Due diligence absolutely kills deals if the owner is not prepared for the rigors of it. Another great read from Bulkley Capital.
Bold Series 2.0 Innovation Talk by Tom Bronson LINK
In case you missed this week's presentation at the BOLD speaker series sponsored by the Garland Chamber of Commerce and Texas Security Bank - here's the whole shooting match on our YouTube Channel. The presentation starts at 3:00.
This week in pics

After 50 years of trying - I finally found that elusive hole-in-one 2 weeks ago at Trophy Club! So thrilled that my wife was there to witness! As soon as I hit it, I said "that's it" - thinking it was just a very good shot, and hoping it would roll close enough for a birdie attempt... As we stood there, watching it hit the front of the green and rolling toward the flag - I was stunned when it disappeared...
Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you maximize business value:
Order my book Maximize Business Value, Begin with the Exit in Mind. It provides the roadmap business owners need to start moving toward a successful transition.
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Hope you are safe and maximizing business value!